Episode 48: Smart Habits for Maintaining a Professional Image

Smart Habits for Translators - Maintaining a Professional Image.jpg

We all know that first impressions count, and this applies to all interactions you have with other people–both online and in person. When you run your own business, it’s even more important that you come across as a reliable, trustworthy professional, someone who clients and colleagues can trust and value.

After all, this is how we often choose service providers ourselves. Whether we need a graphic designer or an accountant, or when we’re looking for colleagues to collaborate with, we want to find someone who portrays themself as a professional from the start.

But since so many of our interactions with the outside world are online these days (and most of us are used to working alone), it can be easy to forget how other people may perceive us.

So, what strategies and smart habits can help you maintain a professional image?

Here’s what we discuss in this episode:

  • What to keep in mind when you have email and phone interactions with clients and colleagues

  • How to elevate your professional image online: in directories for translators and interpreters and on your website

  • How social media presence can influence your professional image

  • How your behavior impacts people’s willingness to work with you

  • Our own reflections and tips on maintaining a professional image toward colleagues and clients


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