Episode 44: Smart Habits for Diversifying Your Translation Business

Smart Habits for Translators - Smart Habits for Diversifying Your Translation Business.jpg

While it’s definitely important to master your craft and hone your skills, we also think that offering more than one type of service or working with various types of clients can be a safeguard for your business.

After all, you never know when things might shift, and when they do, it tends to happen when you least expect it. Or maybe you’re just ready for a change.

There are so many reasons to diversify your translation or interpreting business! In this episode, we want to share some ways to do that, along with some smart habits you might try to implement, too.

Here’s a summary of our discussion:

  • Our experience with diversifying our business and why we believe it’s a good idea

  • How you can look at diversification from a variety of perspectives in your business

  • Why taking an inventory of your past experience, skills, and interests can be a helpful start when you start thinking about diversifying your business

  • Some ideas on ways to diversify

  • How you can take circumstances that change beyond your control and use them as motivation to diversify

  • Our thoughts on diversifying our businesses further in the future

  • Smart habits that can help you diversify your business

  • Our new segment “Smart Habit Tip,” where we share a tip related to a smart habit that we recently learned or were reminded of

Resources we mentioned in this episode:


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